I hopped back on the car and continued on my way, but even though I felt like dung, on a whim, I decided that I needed to stop and check out Vaughn Mills Mall. I convinced myself that I needed to get out and walk around for a while and I could not possible just drive by some stores I
never get to go to without stopping. I found a parking spot outside my

I got back on the 400 and drove on. When I got as far as Orillia, I needed to have a break. I needed to get some Pepto-Bismol and a drink, so I pull off the hi way and go into Walmart. I find the Pepto and grab a cold Canada Dry ginger ale from the fridge at by the checkouts and proceed to pay. I open my wallet, and to my dismay (yes, I used the word dismay!) I discovered my bank card was missing. This cannot be happening. I tear my wallet apart while the lady in the line behind me sighs (people can be so impatient) and fidgets with her purchases. I turned to the cashier who was waiting patiently, and asked her if she could hold on to my items while I go sit on the bench and root through my purse. So, I go over to the bench and start pulling everything out of my purse piece by piece. Its not there. I go through my wallet again. Not there. I go outside to the car, look through the car. Not tthere. I open the trunk, root through my clothes from earlier. Not there. I tear through my suicase, back pack and Christmas goodies from the party. Not there. I still cannot remember where I used it last and I am pretty close to tears. I have clearly lost my bank card. Thank goodness I had enough sense to carry some cash on me. With the help of Cheryl via text messaging and her internet access through her Blackberry, I was able to call my bank to report my card missing. All in all, I was at Walmart for over an hour. Back through the line I went to see the if the cashier still had my items. She did, and with the relief that I didn't have to go searching for more stuff again, I paid.
I went back to the car, opened up the Pepto and without bothering to measure I drank it straight from the bottle. It actually helped almost instantly but at this point I have now discovered I now have a new symptom of the flu. My face is on fire along with the rest of me, except that I am freezing. I crank my heat and with chattering I get back on the hi way and proceed north. I stopped one more time for some gas just below Huntsville before arriving in Sundridge. I was staying the night at Bill and Elisa Watson's house but they both weren't home. A few of their kid were and they let me into the house. I brought in my stuff I needed for the night and called my mom to let her know I had arrived. I also called Christa to too how her girls were feeling and to let her know I was also not feeling well. I had a quick bite to eat and by 8:45 pm, I was in bed. I took a couple of Advil and dropped off to sleep quickly. When I woke up at 8:00am the next morning, I was feeling much, much better.
I have one more day to tell you about, but that will be Part 6!
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