It is with a wee bit of sadness that I bid farewell to 2012. It was a year that started off slow and seemed for the most part to drag on but eventually turned out to be a really great year for me.
I guess that this blog post will sort of become a re-cap of my year but I believe its worth sharing.

At the end of
January, I went on a really fun road trip with my cousin Marshall to visit my sister and her family in Kingston. It was a weekend that was filled with tons of laughter and good times!
Marshall |

February, I had to take yet another road trip to Toronto to meet with some of my health care team all in preparation for Gastric Bypass surgery. It happened to fall on the week as Valentine's Day, so I was able to attend the Valentine's Day dinner and a movie night at New Song Church that included both couples and singles. I took my awesome friend Rebecca as my date. We both had totally planned on tricking people by walking in holding hands (as a joke) but we both chickened out! It was a fun night.
Tiffany! |
Ok..the more I think about the past year..maybe it didn't start out so slow after all! On to March!
I learned in
March just how well my son can draw! As his mom, it was a pretty exciting discovery! I couldn't be prouder!

April, I turned 29, for the 9th time! Or as the name of my blog says, Twenty-Eighteen!
I had 2 birthday parties. 1 with Justin and my parents and 1 with the kiddies I babysat. They all worked hard to make my day special. It was great!
May, my son Justin turned 18. He is my pride and joy and I cant believe I am actually old enough to be the parent of an 18 year old. Its still sinking in!
June, the day finally came for Justin graduate high school! I sat in shock as I watched him walk up and receive his diploma. It was yet another burst of realization that I was old enough to be the parent of a high school graduate, that needed to sink in. June was a month with both happy times and sad times.

My friends Cherish, Cassie, David and Samuel, lost their wonderful mother, wife and grandmother. Carolyn lost her battle with cancer at the end of June. I will always remember Carolyn for her generous, youthful, and loving spirit. No matter what, you always knew where you stood with her. She was non-judgmental and caring and was not afraid to give you good advice when she felt you needed some guidance. The world lost a wonderful woman when she left this world. She is missed very much.
July was super hot. Justin and I took off at one point to go to Braeside Camp with Rebecca in Paris Ontario after a Toronto appointment. We had a fun time and Cherish joined us one night.
August I had my friend Ruth's little girl Faith for a week while her mom and the rest of the crew went on a camping trip. We had a lot of fun. I took her to our friend's farm to see the animals. She was such a good girl all week! At the end of that week, I left Englehart with Ruth on a new adventure in my life. Ruth and her family opened up their home to both myself and Justin so that we could make the transition to Kitchener with more ease. I am eternally grateful for their generosity! The last few days of August, I started taking my pre-surgery shakes.
25 lbs down pre-surgery! |
September brought about many more changes. I spent 3 weeks drinking protein shakes all in preparation for Gastric Bypass surgery. My surgery date was the 19th and with nervous excitement, I ventured down to Toronto Western Hospital. Everything went well.
Cheryl, Ruth, Nerina and I |
October came with even more weight-loss. 50 lbs down!! I also had the opportunity to attend Blissdom Canada. It is a Social Media Conference for bloggers! It was very fun and informative. I learned things that I can apply for using my blog to advertise and host giveaways from various companies. I am still figuring out how to do all that but eventually, I hope to be able to use my blog in ways that will help generate some income of either cash or products!
Faith |
November, I was 61 lbs down and also feeling really great. I was also frantically looking and looking for an apartment to live in but kept coming up empty handed. Thankfully, Ruth was very accommodating and in no hurry to put me out on the streets! I was just feeling the pressure from myself, not wanting to take advantage of her kindness. November also brought about Faith's 5th birthday. Faith is
Ruth's youngest daughter and if you click on the link you can find more about her story, but I will just tell you that she is a miracle child who wasn't supposed to live let alone meet all the milestones she has met! She has snagged her own corner of my heart.
Cherish's kids. I had to steal this from her facebook because I dont have any pics of my own :( |
December has been an exciting month! I made it to 72 lbs lost and plateaued there a bit, but as of last night, I made it to the 80 lbs down mark! I'm so excited! I also found an apartment this month and took possession on the 18th. Its a great apartment. Super cosy and roomy at the same time! My friend Cherish and her 2 beautiful kids came to visit me twice! Her kids are so sweet. The other night I had another group of visitors come. They stopped in on their way home from London. It was my little friends and their parents, from Englehart. I haven't seen them since August and so it was a nice treat! Well, that about sums up my year! I cant wait to see what 2013 brings!
Happy New Years Everyone!
In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship but never in want.
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